You vs. the Editors - score of the fourth matchday: Turning the page
In the fourth round of our Bundesliga prediction game "You vs. the Editors", both sides was looking to gain the lead over the other since the score between our international readers and the editors was 1-1 after the first three matchdays. This week, JungeMitDemBall stepped on the pitch for our crew while James from Glasgow brought Scottish competition. Let's take a look at what he predicted first, also presenting the outcomes of the various matches and James' final score. Remember: Predicting the correct results earns three points, while picking the right winner (or a draw) will give you one point. Two points are won when you pick the right goal tendency as well.
James' predictions/actual result/points
Freiburg - Bayern 2:1/1:1/0
Gladbach - Bremen 1:3/4:1/0
Hannover - Mainz 1:3/4:1/0
Wolfsburg - Hertha: 1:2/2:0/0
Nuremberg - Augsburg: 2:1/0:1/0
Hamburg - Braunschweig: 0:2/4:0/0
Scheisse - Leverkusen: 0:4/2:0/0
Stuttgart - Hoffenheim: 3:1/6:2/1
Frankfurt - Dortmund: 1:4/1:2/1
Total Score: 2 Points
To step in a bit for James, this matchday was very hard to predict. Therefore, our Scottish friend eventually won two points on Sunday by predicting the right winners in Stuttgart and Borussia. Of course, with James only gaining two points, this left a big opportunity for JungeMitDemBall to win this round for the editors. Let's see how he did.
JungeMitDemBall's predicitions/actual result/points
Freiburg - Bayern: 2:2/1:1/1
Gladbach - Bremen: 2:1/4:1/1
Hannover - Mainz: 1:1/4:1/0
Wolfsburg - Hertha: 2:1/2:0/1
Nürnberg - Augsburg: 2:0/0:1/0
Hamburg - Braunschweig: 3:1/4:0/1
Scheisse - Leverkusen: 2:1/2:0/1
Stuttgart - Hoffenheim: 2:1/6:2/1
Frankfurt - Dortmund: 1:3/1:2/1
Total Score: 7 Points
JungeMitDemBall made some good choices and predictions and therefore gained the victory for the editors even though he was predicting a win of GE over Leverkusen (Shame on you, fella). With his second win over an international reader, JungeMitDemBall turned a 0-1 into a 2-1 lead after four match days.
Editors 2 - 1 International Readers
Of course, we are looking forward for round five which will have to wait for two weeks since another international break is scheduled for next week. And again, if you are willing to take part in our prediction game to face an editor on an upcoming matchday, just feel free to contact us at vanni@schwatzgelb.de.
Vanni, 02.09.2013