Spielbericht Profis

More than just a miracle

09.04.2014, 23:42 Uhr von:  Redaktion  

Normally you would start reading a match report here, but today is different, because the game we had the pleasure to watch yesterday was different. Different in so many ways that a match report can’t describe what happened, or give you all the information you need to grasp what has happened yesterday. And by the way, I think that anyone who is on this site right now, reading this article, you have seen the game and if u didn’t, because you had work or other more important stuff to do (is that even possible?) then you must watch the replay, because the atmosphere, the football and the dramatic that took place can’t be described by words but only by picture and most importantly by sound.

So instead of a match report including the saved penalty by Weidenfeller, or the two amazing goals by Marco Reus, the fast paced play by Dortmund and let alone the breath taking atmosphere - “We could barely shout orders, because it was too loud to understand anything!” (Mats Hummels) – You will now read a comment about our Borussia and our boys and everything that makes this club something special, something that barely any other club manages to be, inspired by everything that happened yesterday between 20:45 and 22:30 written by Ida a fellow writer of mine.

"Ballspielverein that was WONDERful!

I would like to start out my few sentences that will be drained with kitsch from beginning to the end with a tiny question. Borussia, will you marry me? I know I would have to share, because probably the whole world wants to marry you right now, maybe even Cristiano Ronaldo. But I am willing to share. I’ll share you with all the people on the planet who love you just as much as I do, who leave stadiums without voices, who ruin chairs because of goal exultations, who shed a tear because of the emotional rollercoasters you invite us on, who hug strangers because of the things you do, who pay the most ridiculous prizes to watch you in the field wherever you go, who pace like a tiger in front of the TV because the excitement that gets too much, I’ll share you with each and every one of them because they are family.

If you were unfortunate to not be able to watch the game, go and take those 90 minutes + of your life and catch up on a game that simply was a wonder. You may define wonder or miracle in a different way- most of us wanted a wonder that would have helped our Ballspielverein to proceed to the next level of the big stage: well, we didn’t. We did something somehow even better. We created a union within a team and its fans and maybe even parts of the “outside world” that will be envied by pretty much every footballfan of the planet for the next 1909 years. What we witnessed yesterday was a BVB family that sticks together beyond all means. It was, somehow, easy yesterday to give all a fan can actually give during 90 minutes. Our boys ran, fought, were eagerly determined and showed what most teams are lacking: the complete and unbroken will to turn this thing, the impossible, around and create the miracle and wonder everyone in the media and elsewhere had been talking about. It came differently though, we got a different miracle. Maybe an even greater miracle than any championsleague semi final or final. Borussia brought life to the stadium that seemed to have gone throughout the past few months of the season. Injuries, and early decision concerning the championship in the Bundesliga and, to be honest, a few terrible games made some people think that the glorious days are over. How foolish were they? Borussia will not be over and most certainly isn’t done, yet.

We won 2:0. We still missed the semi- finals. And then? Then nothing. Nothing but utter joy, pride, enthusiasm and celebrations in the stadium. A whole stadium that stood up, sang, cheered and celebrated for minutes. Celebrated- not because of a victory, not for a semi- final, but for eleven players that simply lived our Ballspielverein in the upmost way possible. For eleven players (and our ever- encouraging team) that fought so willingly and passionately and dedicated that no one ever doubted for a minute that this team would not walk off that pitch with their heads up high. But it was not only their effort. It was our effort as well. When was the list time we got to hear so many people without voices after the game? With tears in their eyes due to a- well- symbiose of the Westfalenstadion, the fans and the team? On this 8th of April we had Madrid down on their knees, and the world to our players’ feed. The Westfalenstadion trembled. Our hearts trembled. For many minutes after the game we celebrated a team that didn’t make it into the Championsleague semi- finals but straight into the hearts of everyone who watched the game. Maybe this was greater than an actual advance to the next CL level. It is not the easy and great times that unite us, it is moments like these that show us what a hell of a team we all are. Our CL season may be over for now, our Ballspielverein isn’t even close to being over. Be aware Europe, we will be back!"

Chris & Ida 09.04.2014

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